Antonio Vivaldi Ppt

  1. Antonio Vivaldi Ppt
  2. Antonio Vivaldi Ppt Download
Antonio Vivaldi PptAntonio Vivaldi PptPptVivaldi work
  • Biswajit Ray. December 1st , 2007 The Baroque
  • Baroque Striving to Impress
  • Baroque: Definition A period of history :1600 1750 A description of artistic/musical style after the Renaissance Originally a derogatory term:means excessive ornamentation of art, clothes, architecture, music.
  • Causes and Origins Counter reformation movement (glory of the church) Rulers wanted a style signifying glory Artists desire to be more expressive Originated in Italy
  • Characteristics How does Baroque compare with the Renaissance? Unique contributions Emotion/Religious fervor/Realism Dramatic (light and shade/perspective) Exploration of form (elaborateness, exaggeration) but all in control Virtuosity
  • Architecture and Sculpture
  • Architecture Style Versailles - Landscaping Hall of Mirrors Extravagance
  • Gian Lorenzo Bernini Baldacchino (Altar covering in St. Peters)
  • Bernini David
  • Different Countries, Different Styles Present constant characteristics but acquires originality in each country. Zacatecas Cathedral, Mexico In South America, indigenous art is introduced to complement the typical barroque columns, pilars and cornices
  • Rococo Rococo was the French interior design answer to the Barroque movement. Elegant and ornate furniture (shell like curves), small sculptures, ornamental mirrors, and tapestry complementing architecture, reliefs, and wall paintings.
  • THE PAINTERS Masters of the light Caravaggio - Italy El Greco - Spain Velazquez - Spain Rubens - Belgium Van Dyke - Belgium Rembrandt - Holland Vermeer - Holland De La Tour - France
  • Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi) The Calling of Saint Matthew Chiaroscuro Realism
  • El Greco The Burial of Count Orgaz Religious fervor Virtuosity (color)
  • Diego Velazquez Las Meninas (Maids of Honor) Perspective Virtuosity (detail) The art of creating art (similar to the view of literature making literature in Don Quixote)
  • Peter Paul Rubens Henri IV Receiving the Portrait of Marie De Medici Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus
  • Anthony Van Dyke Charles I on Horseback Charles I: King of England at the Hunt
  • Rembrandt: Night Watch
  • Jan Vermeer The Art of Painting Study of a Young Woman
  • Georges de La Tour Christ in the Carpenters Shop
  • Music
  • Baroque Music Innovations Invention of Opera Homophony Development of the orchestra and types of orchestration Development of new forms of vocal music Development of purely instrumental music New instruments Temperament
  • Invention of Opera Singing and orchestra work together Use of an overture, several acts, etc Size of the orchestra increased Homophony
  • Baroque Music Innovations Purely instrumental music Counterpoint (a type of polyphony) Fugues Sonata, concerto, suite
  • Violin Invention Cremona, Italy Amati, Stradivari, Guarneri Became the heart of the orchestra Construction has not changed
  • Baroque composers
  • Antonio Vivaldi Red Priest Details and complexity Operas Influenced Bach The Four Seasons
  • Johann Sebastian Bach Musical Contributions: Over 1000 pieces in every genre except opera Cantatas (one per week for 8 years) Protestant themes (in search of God) Counterpoint/fugue Complex compositions (upside down) Hymns (A Mighty Fortress) Brandenburg Concertos
  • Since the best man could not be obtained, mediocre ones would have to be accepted. -Leipzig town council member commenting on the hiring of Bach
  • George Frederick Handel Oratorios Long text with chorus and orchestra No costumes and staging Developed after lack of interest for operas Messiah Overture Glory to God Hallelujah Chorus
  • LITERATURE Cervantes (Spain) = Don Quixote John Milton (England) = Paradise Lost

Antonio Vivaldi Ppt

Antonio Vivaldi Ppt

Antonio Vivaldi Ppt Download

Antonio Vivaldi Vivaldi contributed to the evolution of violin style and technique He elevated the solo concerto genre through the quantity and quality of his concerti Popularly believed to have been buried in a pauper's grave and given 'only a small peal of bells' at his funeral Today Vivaldi is recognized both as the 'Father of the Concerto,' and as a herald of musical romanticism. Antonio Vivaldi was a 17th and 18th-century musician who’s become one of the most famous figures in European classical music. He was born on March 4, 1678, in Venice, Italy. Vivaldi must have been destined for greatness by virtue of his ground-shaking birth (Literally), a large earthquake occurred in Venice on his birthday. ANTONIO VIVALDI. 29 ianuarie 2008, 19:12. 0 stele 0 review-uri. Cultivarea simtului muzical in orele de dirigentie prin cunoasterea marilor creatori ai muzicii clasice. Antonio Vivaldi has gone missing and the police need expert detectives on the case! Your students will love Professor B’s CSI (Composer Series Investigation)-Who is Antonio Vivaldi Powerpoint/Activity Sheet Bundle. The powerpoint presentation (PPT Version 16.10 is.