Vagrant Xdebug

Configure XDebug, Visual Studio Code for a Vagrant VM 1. Project (Drupal) is served on /var/www/html in the Vagrant box; Local project files location: c: Users username Work projects my-project repo html. Homestead folder has, copy these LINES to to install xdebug after initialization of vagrant. Don't forget to specify php: '7.1' in Homestead.yaml at sites Run vagrant up or vagrant reload -provision If everything is correct, you should see this lines after vagrant up or vagrant reload -provision.


This is based on Rasmus Lerdorf's PHP 7 dev box. However, I've defaulted this one to use Apache 2 instead of nginx. It will also clone the XDebug repo and build and install it.

By default, the directory that you have your Vagrantfile in will get a /public directory (if it doesn't have one already) and will become the web-root.


Provisioning Warning!!!

Note that provisioning will reset any settings that you add to /etc/php7/conf.d/xdebug.ini so if you want to add any additional settings you'll probably want to use a different file, or comment out the line that writes to this file

Likewise, I've made changes to /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf and saved it to /etc/apache2/sites-available/001-default.conf. The /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf symlink is removed and new one is created that points to /etc/apache2/sites-available/001-default.conf. As a result, if you use either of these files your settings may well be lost when you run a vagrant provision, so I suggest that you either use a different config, or comment out the lines that refer to these files once you've performed the initial provisioning.

Vagrant Xdebug Phpstorm

Forwarded Ports

Bcd2000 software. You will find the following config for forwarded ports:

With this your site will be accessible over http://localhost:8080 by default. Change this if you want it to be something else


Using with Windows


If you want to run this on Windows with VirtualBox, you may need to ensure that you have the local policy that enables the creation of symlinks and that VirtualBox allows it:

Run at cmd prompt:

Verify by running:

If your user belongs to Administrators group then start VirtualBox with 'Run as Administrator'!

Vagrant Xdebug

If user is not in Administrators group

By default Windows 7 security policy does not allow creating symlinks as it's a potential security threat. Run 'secpol.msc' and navigate to 'Local Policies-User Rights Assignments' and add your user to 'Create symbolic links'

Xdebug Cloud provides an easy way to debug your PHP applications with Xdebug, without having to deal with complexities with regards to networking.

Xdebug Cloud allows for debugging sessions to go through a hosted service, to which both PhpStorm and Xdebug connect to. Iriver h10 driver download.

Vagrant Xdebug Remote Host

You no longer have to find out which host and port to connect to, or discover that a firewall, Vagrant, or Docker gets in the way. As long as Xdebug and PhpStorm can both connect to a public IP address, a debugging session can be initiated.


Vagrant Xdebug Ssh


Xdebug cloud is currently in beta mode. You can sign up for the service on the sign up page.

Vagrant Xdebug Slow


Vagrant Xdebug

If you want to be kept up to date about Xdebug Cloud for availability and product news, you can subscribe to the newsletter below. The maximum frequency is one email per month. Oil item id fallout 4.