Elementor Woocommerce


  1. Elementor enables you to place WooCommerce products or other elements wherever you choose, whether it’s your homepage or even a popup Trusted by the Top Professional 'I’m totally blown away by this product - it’s a designers dream. WordPress here I come!'
  2. Build custom layouts for your products in WooCommerce using the amazing Elementor page building experience. You can work inside one product or build templates that you can assign to multiple products. Use WooCommerce and Elementor - Kadence Themes.
  3. Woolementor connects the #1 page builder plugin on Earth, Elementor with the most popular eCommerce plugin, WooCommerce.

Elementor will show some ready-made WooCommerce product pages templates that you can start with. Picking one that looks the closest to what you want is the best path to take for most users. Creating a product template from scratch will generally take a lot more time.

The special widgets are made exclusively for WooCommerce websites, providing opportunity to display the products in the most attractive layouts.

Products List

Use this widget to add the stylish listings of the WooCommerce products for build your shop pages with Elementor.

Products Grid

This widget adds the WooCommerce products into attractive grid layouts as well to build your shop pages with Elementor.

Categories Grid

This widget adds the WooCommerce Product Categories Grid layouts to build your shop pages with Elementor on WooCommerce-based websites.

Please, note, that in order for the widgets to display the content you need to create at least several WooCommerce products with prices and thumbnail images and add them to at least several product categories.

Then just drag and drop the needed widget into the page and built with Elementor. It will pull the categories or products and let you set the columns layout, query type, order, etc.

There are also multiple Style settings for every widget, allowing to customize the items, thumbnails shown, excerpts, price blocks, etc.

With Woo Products Widgets it will be easy to add WooCommerce products to any of your pages built with Elementor just in a few clicks!

Pro Features

  1. WooCommerce Shop, Archive, Single product, Cart, Checkout, Thank you, My Account Page Builder.
  2. 36+ Elementor Widget for Shop, Archive, Single product, Cart, Checkout, Thank you, My Account Page to make and edit every pages
  3. Product widget usable as a archive page products.
  4. Product Filter By Types
  5. No single code required to build your WooCommerce Pages.
  6. Product widget thumbnails and effects
  7. And Much more….


  1. Upload “woo-product-widgets-for-elementor For Elementor” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress



Woolementor connects the #1 page builder plugin on Earth, Elementor with the most popular eCommerce plugin, WooCommerce.

Woolementor helps you build your WooCommerce store beautifully!

👉 Official Website
👉 Live Demo
👉 Help & Support
👉 Video Tutorials
👉 Facebook Page
👉 Facebook Group

You can customize EVERY part of your store using Woolementor; no matter if it’s your shop page, a single product or even the checkout page.

🎉 Shop Designs
🎉 Product Filters
🎉 Checkout Customization
🎉 Cart Customization
🎉 Header, Footer and Shop templates
🎉 Cross Domain Copy-Paste
🎉 Product Filters
🎉 Product Components
🎉 Pricing Tables
🎉 Related Products
🎉 Image Gallery
🎉 Wishlist
🎉 Tabs
🎉 Dynamic Tabs
🎉 Customer Reviews
🎉 Sales Notification
🎉 My Account
🎉 And many more..

Stunning Shop Designs

Elementor Woocommerce

Woolementor comes with 9 stunning and eye-catching shop designs that will blow your mind. And they are highly customizable.

Choose the appropriate one from the list-

Elementor woocommerce product page

👜 Classic
👜 Standard
👜 Flip (Pro)
👜 Trendy (Pro)
👜 Curvy
👜 Curvy Horizontal (Pro)
👜 Slider
👜 Accordion (Pro)
👜 Table (Pro)

Product Filters

Customers always love to get the appropriate products they are looking for. With the help you Woolementor you can allow your customers to filter products on the shop page.

Allow customers to filter products by taxonomies, prices, ratings or custom attributes as well as sort them.

Based on your page layout, we bring 2 filter widgets-

🔶 Horizontal Filter
🔶 Vertical Filter (Pro)

Single Product Components

Want to create a user-friendly product page? Then Woolementor is for you. Our plugin gives you the ability to change every portion of the product page.

A nicely designed product page is the first step to impress your customers and Woolementor makes it easier for you.

Woolementor brings 7 widgets to power up your product page.

✏️ Product Title
✏️ Breadcrumbs
✏️ Product Short Description
✏️ Product Variations
✏️ Add to Cart

Pricing Tables

Woolementor brings 5 pricing tables to display your products’ pricing plans.

📊 Advanced
📊 Basic
📊 Regular (Pro)
📊 Smart (Pro)
📊 Fancy (Pro)

Related Products

When displaying a product, showcase related products and incite your customers to purchase more. It may work, who knows!

Woolementor has 7 widgets included to show the related products that can be added on a single product page or even on the homepage. These widgets include-

🛍 Classic
🛍 Standard
🛍 Flip (Pro)
🛍 Trendy (Pro)
🛍 Curvy
🛍 Accordion (Pro)
🛍 Table (Pro)

Beautiful Gallery Sections

Create a beautiful product gallery and make your website look more impressive with the help of Woolementor.

You have 3 gallery widgets to choose from.

💐 Fancybox
💐 LC Lightbox
💐 Box Slider

Cart Page components

Ever wondered if you could customize your cart page? Woolementor made it possible. Each and every part of your cart can be customized- fonts, color, columns- you name it.

🛒 Cart Items
🛒 Cart Overview
🛒 Coupon Form

Checkout Page

Do you want to add new fields in the billing form? Or in the Order Note section? Maybe you want users to be able to add special note or their date of birth while placing an order?

You can do this with Woolementor. It includes 6 main components of a checkout page-

💳 Billing Address (Pro)
💳 Shipping Address (Pro)
💳 Order Notes (Pro)
💳 Order Review (Pro)
💳 Payment Methods (Pro)
💳 Thank You Screen (Pro)

Dynamic Tabs

📁 Perfect way to keep your contents organized. Woolementor can help you showcase both static texts or pre-made teamplates in a beautiful way!

Review showcase


It’s always important to showcase what’s your valuable customers say about your business. And Woolementor helps you add eye-catching user reviews to spread their words.

We’ve added 2 widgets for this and more widgets are coming soon.

🌟 Classic
🌟 Standard (Pro)

Content Tabs

Everyone loves using tabs to display information. It helps to show more content using less space of your site.

Elementor Woocommerce Displays Youtube

Choose your favorite tab from our list-

📁 Basic
📁 Classic
📁 Fancy
📁 Beauty

Wishlist (Pro)

❤️ This built-in feature allows your customers to add products to their wishlist that be shown in a beautiful tabular view.

They can add those products to the cart right from the wishlist page.

My Account Page

🛡 Last but not least, Woolementor helps customize the My Account page. You can change the tab orientation, style, typography and many more.


  • This plugin uses a third-party service to import templates from using the native Elementor template importer and it doesn’t include your sensitive data like email or password for example.


  1. Install Woolementor using the native Plugin installer, or download the zip and extract it in the wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ 3. Go to Woolementor from the left navigation menu.
  3. Enable widgets you want to use.
  4. You can now find the widgets in the Elementor editor.

Please reach out to us if you need any help.


Does it require Elementor?

Yes, it does.

Does it require Elementor Pro?

No, it doesn’t.

Does it require WooCommerce?

Yes, you need to have WooCommerce activated on your site.

How many widgets does Woolementor offer?

Woolementor is packed with 60+ highly customizable widgets. We are offering 33 widgets in the free version on wordpress.org and included 28 widgets in the pro version.

My question is not answered here.

Please reach out to us https://help.codexpert.io/docs/woolementor/?utm_campaign=wporg


Woocommerce Page Builder For Elementor

Great customer service from the online team. I’m really new to web design so the support team were very patient and got my plugin and account up and running for me! Thanks