New Notes - Scales

The following is a list of musical scales and modes. Degrees are relative to the major scale. List of musical scales and modes Name Image Sound Degrees Intervals # of pitch classes Lower tetrachord Upper tetrachord Use of key signature usual or unusual 15 equal temperament: 15-tet scale on C. Scales in traditional Western music generally consist of seven notes and repeat at the octave. Notes in the commonly used scales (see just below) are separated by whole and half step intervals of tones and semitones. The harmonic minor scale includes a three-semitone step; the anhemitonic pentatonic includes two of those and no semitones. Piano Scales Chart C C# Db D D# Eb E F F# Gb G G# Ab A A# Bb B Show All C Scales Hide Scales List C Major C Major pentatonic C Minor pentatonic C Dorian C Phrygian C Lydian C Mixolydian C Aeolian C Locrian C Blues C Harmonic Minor C Melodic Minor.

  1. New Notes - Scales &
  2. New Notes - Scales Of Measurement
  3. New Notes - Scales Of Assessment
  4. New Notes - Scales Of Evidence
  5. New Notes - Scales Definition
  6. New Notes - Scales Chart
New Notes - Scales

New Notes - Scales &

Here's a list of all minor scales in order of fifths. Borderlands 2 xbox save. Each scale includes the notes, diatonic triads within in the key, and the relative major. Use this list alongside the circle of fifths to help yourself understand and memorize scales and their relationships with one another.

C Minor Scale

options space=20 tabstave notation=true tablature=false key=Cm notes C/4 D/4 [email protected]/4 F/4 G/4 [email protected]/4 [email protected]/4 options space=25

New Notes - Scales Of Measurement

Notes:C • D • E • F • G • A • B
Diatonic Triads: Cm • Ddim • Eb • Fm • Gm • Ab • Bb
Relative Major: E Major
New Notes - Scales

G Minor Scale

options space=20 tabstave notation=true tablature=false key=Gm notes G/4 A/4 [email protected]/4 C/5 D/5 [email protected]/5 F/5 options space=25
Notes:G • A • B • C • D • E • F
Diatonic Triads: Gm • Adim • Bb • Cm • Dm • Eb • F
Relative Major: B Major

D Minor Scale

options space=20 tabstave notation=true tablature=false key=Dm notes D/4 E/4 F/4 G/4 A/4 [email protected]/4 C/5 options space=25

New Notes - Scales Of Assessment

Scale (music) For psychoacoustic scale, see bark scale and mel scale. In music theory, a scale is any set of musical notes ordered by fundamental frequency or pitch. A scale ordered by increasing pitch is an ascending scale, and a scale ordered by decreasing pitch is a descending scale. Often, especially in the context of the common practice. The most common scales when playing the piano, are Major and Minor scales. From each key on the piano you can start either a major or a minor scale. All scales are made with a specific pattern of whole steps (tones) and half steps (semitones). All 12 major scales share the same pattern of whole and half steps between the notes.

Notes:D • E • F • G • A • B • C
Diatonic Triads: Dm • Edim • F • Gm • Am • Bb • C
Relative Major: F Major

A Minor Scale

options space=20 tabstave notation=true tablature=false key=Am notes A/4 B/4 C/5 D/5 E/5 F/5 G/5 options space=25
Notes:A • B • C • D • E • F • G
Diatonic Triads: Am • Bdim • C • Dm • Em • F • G
Relative Major: C Major

E Minor Scale

options space=20 tabstave notation=true tablature=false key=Em notes E/4 F#/4 G/4 A/4 B/4 C/5 D/5 options space=25
Notes:E • F • G • A • B • C • D
Diatonic Triads: Em • F#dim • G • Am • Bm • C • D
Relative Major: G Major

B Minor Scale

options space=20 tabstave notation=true tablature=false key=Bm notes B/3 C#/4 D/4 E/4 F#/4 G/4 A/4 options space=25
Notes:B • C • D • E • F • G • A
Diatonic Triads: Bm • C#dim • D • Em • F#m • G • A
Relative Major: D Major

F# Minor Scale

options space=20 tabstave notation=true tablature=false key=F#m notes F#/4 G#/4 A/4 B/4 C#/5 D/5 E/5 options space=25
Notes:F • G • A • B • C • D • E
Diatonic Triads: F#m • G#dim • A • Bm • C#m • D • E
Relative Major: A Major

C# Minor Scale

options space=20 tabstave notation=true tablature=false key=C#m notes C#/4 D#/4 E/4 F#/4 G#/4 A/4 B/4 options space=25
Notes:C • D • E • F • G • A • B
Diatonic Triads: C#m • D#dim • E • F#m • G#m • A • B
Relative Major: E Major

G# Minor Scale

options space=20 tabstave notation=true tablature=false key=G#m notes G#/4 A#/4 B/4 C#/5 D#/5 E/5 F#/5 options space=25
Notes:G • A • B • C • D • E • F
Diatonic Triads: G#m • A#dim • B • C#m • D#m • E • F#
Relative Major: B Major

Eb Minor Scale

options space=20 tabstave notation=true tablature=false key=Ebm notes [email protected]/4 F/4 [email protected]/4 [email protected]/4 [email protected]/4 [email protected]/5 [email protected]/5 options space=25
Notes:E • F • G • A • B • C • D
Diatonic Triads: Ebm • Fdim • Gb • Abm • Bbm • Cb • Db
Relative Major: G Major

Bb Minor Scale

options space=20 tabstave notation=true tablature=false key=Bbm notes [email protected]/3 C/4 [email protected]/4 [email protected]/4 F/4 [email protected]/4 [email protected]/4 options space=25
Notes:B • C • D • E • F • G • A
Diatonic Triads: Bbm • Cdim • Db • Ebm • Fm • Gb • Ab
Relative Major: D Major

New Notes - Scales Of Evidence

F Minor Scale

New Notes - Scales Definition

options space=20 tabstave notation=true tablature=false key=Fm notes F/4 G/4 [email protected]/4 [email protected]/4 C/5 [email protected]/5 [email protected]/5 options space=25

New Notes - Scales Chart

Notes:F • G • A • B • C • D • E
Diatonic Triads: Fm • Gdim • Ab • Bbm • Cm • Db • Eb
Relative Major: A Major