Teams Firefox

Offers a broad array of programs to its 13,000 full- and part-time, undergraduate and graduate students. With a special expertise in applied science and technology and a focus on regional economic and social development, the campus offers an outstanding and well-rounded education to its students, engages in substantial and wide-ranging research, and is deeply involved in the lifeblood of the.


Microsoft Teams is a digital hub that brings conversations, meetings, files, and apps together in one place. Because it’s built on Office 365, schools benefit from integration with their familiar Office apps and services. It delivers enterprise-grade security and compliance that is extensible and customizable to fit the needs of every school.

Enforce a secure configuration for Firefox. Enable the Firefox network.websocket.allowInsecureFromHTTPS option. If the preceding configuration is consistent with the security policy of your organization, an administrator can enable launching applications or desktop using the following steps: Open a new tab in the Firefox browser. If you're already signed in to Teams, you'll join as an authenticated user. If you're not signed into Teams, you'll join anonymously on the web. If you're attending the live event on the web, use a media-source extension (MSE)-enabled web browser like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Categories: Community, Firefox Team, QMO News. Older posts; Contributor Spotlight. Rezaul Huque Nayeem: industrious, tolerant and associative February 21, 2017. Rezaul Huque Nayeem has been involved with Mozilla since 2013. He is from Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh where he is an undergraduate student of Computer science and Engineering at the.

With Microsoft Teams, your school or institution can create collaborative classrooms, connect in professional learning communities, communicate with school staff, coordinate research across institutions, or more easily facilitate student life efforts like clubs or extracurricular activities – all from a single experience in Office 365 for Education.

Microsoft Teams saves time, deepens connections and simplifies everyday logistics. This allows staff to focus on their roles as educators, researchers, and leaders in your school or institution. Students benefit from easy-to-access online classrooms, recorded lessons, and one-on-one meetings with teachers.

This guide is for IT admins in education, including those who haven't yet deployed Teams. This guide will help you get started with:

  • Enabling Teams for students
  • Learning what kind of controls are available to manage Teams within your school
  • Finding partner services through references to external documentation

This guide is designed to get you started quickly with configuration recommendations specific to Teams in schools. It's not a one-size-fits-all solution, but it is a good starting point.

If you've already deployed Teams (as a pilot or full deployment) and are looking for pointers on how to use Teams, see Microsoft Teams for Education.

Before you begin

  1. Deploy School Data Sync to make it easier for educators to automatically create Teams. Contact for deployment assistance.
  2. Configure the correct ports and protocols for Teams. See Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges.
  3. Prepare your school's network for Teams.
  4. Choose a team type. Teams for Education offers three new types of teams (for a total of four). To understand the differences and use cases of each, see Choose a team type to collaborate in Teams.

Quick start - Teams planning guide

Step 1: Get your people together

Assemble a group of individuals from staff, educators, and the educator community to act as the stakeholder & decision-making group for your Teams deployment.

Step 2: Prioritize your scenarios

Collaboration and communication are about people! Pick the most relevant scenarios for your organization instead of talking about features and functions. Check out the Microsoft 365 FastTrack Productivity Library for examples to help you define scenarios for your school. Successful Teams deployments often center around highly collaborative teams that work closely together, such as classrooms, professional learning communities, and extracurricular student groups.

🏆 Best practice:

Plan Teams with Teams! Customers who use Teams to plan their deployment ease the change curve for key stakeholders. Consider creating a team called Microsoft 365 Deployment and creating channels for the various workloads you want to deploy. Your team might look something like this:

Teams Linux Download

Step 3: Conduct pilots and deploy Teams

You’ll want to conduct an initial Teams pilot with your educators, both champions and early adopters, for one or more of the scenarios you selected above. A pilot gives you valuable information about how Office 365 and Teams are received in your organization. Select an interested group of users and a prioritized business scenario to get started.

Once your pilots are complete, you’ll have the feedback you need to plan your broad Teams deployment. Be sure your deployment plan integrates your prioritized scenarios to ensure your school is getting the most from Office 365 and Teams.

Step 4: Measure usage, manage satisfaction, and drive adoption

To successfully drive adoption of Office 365 and Teams, stay focused on your educator’s experience. Here’s a quick checklist of our best practices to get you started.

  1. Read the Office 365 Adoption Guidance for best practices. Also available to you is our supplemental content for creating a change management strategy for Microsoft Teams to document your approach.
  2. Study Office 365 activity reports to understand usage across your school. If you aren’t an Office 365 admin, ask your admin to give you Reports Reader permissions so you can access activity reports.
  3. Capture feedback from your educators on their experience with Office 365 and Teams. Use a channel in Teams when your school has fewer than 5000 individuals. Use a public group in Yammer when your school is larger than this current membership limit in Teams.
  4. Nurture your champions and highlight your wins. Reward educators for embracing these new tools and using them in innovative ways. This, above anything, ensures continued adoption of Office 365 and Teams.

Turn on or off Microsoft Teams Licenses

Teams is a cloud-based service. Once an educator or student has a valid license and Teams has been enabled, they can run the desktop, web, and mobile Teams clients. They can install these clients themselves -- the IT admin doesn't need to deploy these clients. You can manage individual user licenses for Microsoft Teams by using the Microsoft 365 Admin Center or by using PowerShell. See Office 365 licensing for Teams for information about both methods . This is valuable to understand if you are interested in piloting Teams before broad enablement.

Configure Teams for your school


Starting June 2019, all Teams for Education admins should use the Microsoft Teams admin center to manage all their Teams policies. Teams for Education policies can no longer be managed in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center. For more information, see Manage Teams during the transition to the new Microsoft Teams admin center.

You can easily manage all Teams policies in the Microsoft Teams admin center by signing in with your admin credentials.


You can run the Teams for Education Policy Wizard to easily apply policies for your students, educators and staff. The tool adjusts the Global (Org-wide default) policy definition of a core set of policies with settings that we recommend for student safety and applies it to students. The tool also creates and assigns a set of custom policies to educators and staff. If you already used the wizard to apply policies for your students, educators and staff, use this article as a reference or only if you want to manually create and manage policies for your students, educators and staff.

Settings in the Microsoft Teams admin center are not managed based on user license type. Instead, we suggest that you define different policies to manage which capabilities are available to your users. To configure a policy, click the policy in the left navigation of the Microsoft Teams admin center. Here's an example of messaging policies.

With policies, you can turn on and turn off features at the per-user level. Here’s how policy assignments work:

  • By default, every new user will get the Global policy (tenant-level settings).

  • A user can be assigned a pre-canned user policy created by Microsoft if it meets your requirements. These pre-canned policies are not editable by admins. If you want to manage these in the future, create new custom policies and assign the custom policies to users.

  • A custom policy can be assigned to any user. To create a new custom policy, click Add, choose the settings you want for the policy, and click Save. Then assign the custom policy to a user by going to Users in the Microsoft Teams admin center or by using a script.

How to enable different policies for faculty and students

To have custom settings for faculty and students (for example, Chat is enabled for faculty but not for students), there are two methods to create and assign them:

  • Use the PowerShell module to run a script to create and assign multiple policies. See the Appendix for script examples and documentation.
  • In the Microsoft Teams admin center, create a new custom policy and assign the policy to users on the Users tab.


Until a custom policy is assigned to a user, the user will be using the Global policy setting. This means that if Chat is enabled in the Global policy and disabled in the custom Student policy, until the custom policy is assigned to the student, the student can use Chat. In this case, it may be easier to disable Chat globally and use custom policies to enable Chat for faculty.

Use policies and settings to enforce student safety measures

To maintain student safety, you should use administrative policies to control who can use private chat and private calling, who can schedule meetings, and what content types can be shared.

View Keeping students safe while using Teams for distance learning for more details on what policies and setting updates you need to make within your environment to keep it safe for students.


How to create and assign a messaging policy

  1. See whether any of the available policies in your tenants suit your requirements by running Get-CsTeamsMessagingPolicy.
  2. If not, create a new policy by running New-CsTeamsMessagingPolicy -Identity <policy name> -<parameter name> -<parameter value>.

For more information, see Set-CsTeamsMessagingPolicy

Sample script

See PowerShell script sample - Create and assign a messaging policy.

Distribute to clients

Teams has clients available for web, desktop (Windows, Mac, and Linux), and mobile (Android and iOS). These clients all require an active internet connection and do not support an offline mode. To get the latest details on the functionality and methods of distribution of each of these clients, check out our topic to Get clients for Teams.

The setup file for the Teams client is an executable file that can be downloaded by admins and end users from the Teams downloads page. Educators and students on desktops can install the application if they have the appropriate privileges. IT Admins can also distribute the installer and through their existing client distribution tools.

End users with mobile devices can download the Microsoft Teams app from the mobile platform’s app store.

Operating system requirements

7 and later10.10 and laterDEB or RPM10 or later4.4 and later

Internet browser support


Teams fully supports the following Internet browsers, with noted exceptions for calling and meetings. This table applies to operating systems running on desktop computers.

BrowserCalling - audio, video, and sharingMeetings - audio, video, and sharing123
Internet Explorer 11Not supportedMeetings are supported only if the meeting includes PSTN coordinates. To attend a meeting on IE11 without PSTN coordinates, users must download the Teams desktop client.
Video: Not supported
Sharing: Incoming sharing only (no outgoing)
Microsoft 365 apps and services will not support Internet Explorer 11 starting August 17, 2021 (Microsoft Teams will not support Internet Explorer 11 earlier, starting November 30, 2020). Learn more. Please note that Internet Explorer 11 will remain a supported browser. Internet Explorer 11 is a component of the Windows operating system and follows the Lifecycle Policy for the product on which it is installed.
Microsoft Edge, RS2 or laterFully supported, except no outgoing sharing4Fully supported, except no outgoing sharing
Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based), the latest version plus two previous versionsFully supportedFully supported
Google Chrome, the latest version plus two previous versionsFully supportedFully supported
Sharing is supported without any plug-ins or extensions on Chrome version 72 or later.
Safari 14+1:1 calls not supported. Group calls fully supported.
Video: Fully supported
Sharing: Fully supported
Meetings: Fully supported
Video: Fully supported
Sharing: Fully supported
Safari 13.1+1:1 calls not supported. Group calls supported with full audio support.
Video: Incoming only
Sharing: Fully supported
Meetings are supported with full audio support.
Video: Incoming only
Sharing: Fully supported
Firefox, the latest version plus two previous versionsNot supportedMeetings are supported only if the meeting includes PSTN coordinates. To attend a meeting on Firefox without PSTN coordinates, users must download the Teams desktop client.
Video: Not supported
Sharing: Incoming sharing only (no outgoing)
Safari versions before 13Not supportedMeetings are supported only if the meeting includes PSTN coordinates. To attend a meeting on Safari without PSTN coordinates, users must download the Teams desktop client.
Video: Not supported
Sharing: Incoming sharing only (no outgoing)
Safari is enabled on versions higher than 11.1 in preview. While in preview, there are known issues with Safari's Intelligent Tracking Prevention.
Teams firefox linux

1 To give and take control of shared content during sharing, both parties must be using the Teams desktop client. Control isn't supported when either party is running Teams in a browser. This is due to a technical limitation that we're planning to fix.

2 Blur my background isn't available when you run Teams in a browser. This feature is only available in the Teams desktop client.

3 Teams meetings on browsers are limited to a single incoming video feed of active speaker.

4 Edge RS2 or later doesn't support sending real-time audio and video traffic through HTTP proxies.


As long as an operating system can run the supported browser, Teams is supported on desktop computers. For example, running Firefox on the Linux operating system is an option for using Teams.

For mobile operating systems, we recommend that you run the Teams app, available from the Android and iOS stores. Running Teams in a mobile operating system is supported, but many features are unavailable.

Resources, feedback, and support

Teams firefox calls

Have an issue with this section? If so, please give us some feedback so we can improve this section.


This article describes some of the limits, specifications, and other requirements that apply to Teams.

Teams and channels

FeatureMaximum limit
Number of teams a user can createSubject to a 250 object limit¹
Number of teams a user can be a member of1,000²
Number of members in a team25,0006
Number of owners per team100
Number of org-wide teams allowed in a tenant
Number of members in an org-wide team10,000
Number of teams a global admin can create500,000
Number of teams a Microsoft 365 or Office 365 organization can have500,000³
Number of channels per team200 (includes deleted channels)4
Number of Private channels per team30 (includes deleted channels)4
Number of members in a Private channel250
Maximum size of distribution list, security group or Office 365 group that can be imported in to a team3,500
Maximum number of members in an Office 365 group that can be converted to a team10,0006
Channel conversation post sizeApproximately 28 KB per post5

1 Any directory object in Azure Active Directory counts towards this limit. Global admins are exempt from this limit, as are apps calling Microsoft Graph using application permissions.

2 This limit includes archived teams.

3 To further increase the number of teams, you must contact Microsoft support and request further increase to the number of Azure Active Directory objects in your tenant. Increase is only made for real-life production scenarios.

4 Deleted channels can be restored within 30 days. During these 30 days, a deleted channel continues to be counted towards the 200 channel or 30 private channel per team limit. After 30 days, a deleted channel and its content are permanently deleted and the channel no longer counts towards the per team limit.

5 28 KB is an approximate limit because it includes the message itself (text, image links, etc.), @-mentions, number of connectors, and reactions.

6 Teams in GCC can accommodate 25,000 members but teams in GCCH/DoD can only accommodate 2,500 members. Further note that teams/channel mentions are blocked in teams with over 10,000 members.



Users who participate in conversations that are part of the chat list in Teams must have an Exchange Online (cloud-based) mailbox for an admin to search chat conversations. That's because conversations that are part of the chat list are stored in the cloud-based mailboxes of the chat participants. If a chat participant doesn't have an Exchange Online mailbox, the admin won't be able to search or place a hold on chat conversations. For example, in an Exchange hybrid deployment, users with on-premises mailboxes might be able to participate in conversations that are part of the chat list in Teams. However, in this case, content from these conversations isn't searchable and can't be placed on hold because the users don't have cloud-based mailboxes. (For more, see How Exchange and Microsoft Teams interact.)

Teams chat works on a Microsoft Exchange backend, so Exchange messaging limits apply to the chat function within Teams.

FeatureMaximum limit
Number of people in a private chat12502
Number of people in a video or audio call from chat20
Number of file attachments310
Chat sizeApproximately 28 KB per post4

1 If you have more than 20 people in a chat, the following chat features are turned off: Outlook automatic replies and Teams status messages; typing indicator; video and audio calling; sharing; read receipts. The 'Set Delivery Options' button (!) is also removed when private group chats contain more than 20 members.

2 Only 200 members at a time can be added to a group chat. See this article for more information.

3 If the number of attachments exceeds this limit, you'll see an error message.

Microsoft teams on firefox

4 28 KB is an approximate limit because it includes the message itself (text, image links, etc.), @-mentions, and reactions.

Emailing a channel

If users want to send an email to a channel in Teams, they use the channel email address. When an email is part of a channel, anyone can reply to it to start a conversation. Here are some of the applicable limits for sending email to a channel.

FeatureMaximum limit
Message size124 KB
Number of file attachments220
Size of each file attachmentLess than 10 MB
Number of inline images250

1 If the message exceeds this limit, a preview message is generated and the user is asked to download and view the original email from the link provided.

2 If the number of attachments or images exceeds this limit, you'll see an error message.

For more information, see Exchange Online limits.


Message size, file attachments, and inline images limits are the same across all Microsoft 365 and Office 365 licenses. Emailing a channel is not available in Teams for Office GCC/GCCH/DOD organizations.

Channel names

Channel names can't contain the following characters or words:

Characters~ # % & * { } + / : < > ? | ' ' , ..
Characters in these ranges0 to 1F
80 to 9F
Wordsforms, CON, CONIN$, CONOUT$, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1 to COM9, LPT1 to LPT9, desktop.ini, _vti_

Channel names also can't start with an underscore (_) or period (.), or end with a period (.).

Meetings and calls


Microsoft 365 live event limit increases

To continue supporting our customers' needs, through June 30, 2021, we will extend temporary limit increases for live events, including:

  • Event support for up to 20,000 attendees
  • 50 events can be hosted simultaneously across a tenant
  • Event duration of 16 hours per broadcast

Additionally, Live Events with up to 100,000 attendees can be planned through the Microsoft 365 assistance program. The team will assess each request and work with you to determine options that may be available. Learn more.

FeatureMaximum limit
Number of people in a meeting (can chat and call in)300. View-only allows for up to 10,000 listen-only participants to join a meeting in which the organizer has a license for E3/E5/A3/A5 SKU, as well as, Government (GCC, GCC High, DoD). Learn more about the View-only experience.
Number of people in a video or audio call from chat20
Max PowerPoint File Size2GB
Teams keeps meeting recordings that don't get uploaded to Microsoft Stream, available for local download20 days

Meeting expiration


A meeting URL will never stop working. The expiry only relates to any PSTN dial-in numbers and/or underlying meeting policies and settings.

Meeting typeMeeting expires after this much timeEach time you start or update a meeting, expiration extends by this much time
Meet nowStart time + 8 hoursN/A
Regular with no end timeStart time + 60 days60 days
Regular with end timeEnd time + 60 days60 days
Recurring with no end timeStart time + 60 days60 days
Recurring with end timeEnd time of last occurrence + 60 days60 days


Microsoft Teams meetings have a time limit of 24 hours.

Teams Live Events

FeatureMaximum limit
Audience size10,000 attendees
Duration of event4 hours
Concurrent Live Events running in a Microsoft 365 or Office 365 organization 115

1 You can schedule as many Live Events as you want, but you can only run 15 at a time. As soon as the producer joins a live event, it's considered to be running. The producer who attempts to join the 16th live event gets an error.

For more information about live events and a comparison of Teams live events to Skype Meeting Broadcast, go to Teams live events and Skype Meeting Broadcast. See also Schedule a Teams live event.


Microsoft 365 live event limit increases

To continue supporting our customers' needs, through June 30, 2021, we will extend temporary limit increases for live events, including:

  • Event support for up to 20,000 attendees
  • 50 events can be hosted simultaneously across a tenant
  • Event duration of 16 hours per broadcast

Additionally, Live Events with up to 100,000 attendees can be planned through the Microsoft 365 assistance program. The team will assess each request and work with you to determine options that may be available. Learn more.

Presence in Outlook

Teams presence in Outlook is supported on the Outlook 2013 desktop app and later. To learn more about presence in Teams, see User presence in Teams.


Each team in Microsoft Teams has a team site in SharePoint Online, and each channel in a team gets a folder within the default team site document library. Files shared within a conversation are automatically added to the document library, and permissions and file security options set in SharePoint are automatically reflected within Teams.


Each private channel has its own SharePoint site (previously called 'site collection').

If you don't have SharePoint Online enabled in your tenant, Microsoft Teams users cannot always share files in teams. Users in private chat also cannot share files because OneDrive for Business (which is tied to the SharePoint license) is required for that functionality.

By storing the files in the SharePoint Online document library and OneDrive for Business, all compliance rules configured at the tenant level will be followed. (For more, see How SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business interact with Microsoft Teams.)

Because Teams runs on a SharePoint Online backend for file sharing, SharePoint limitations apply to the Files section within a Team. Here are the applicable storage limits for SharePoint Online.

FeatureMicrosoft 365 Business BasicMicrosoft 365 Business StandardOffice 365 Enterprise E1Office 365 Enterprise E3Office 365 Enterprise E5Office 365 Enterprise F1
Storage1 TB per organization plus 10 GB per license purchased1 TB per organization plus 10 GB per license purchased1 TB per organization plus 10 GB per license purchased1 TB per organization plus 10 GB per license purchased1 TB per organization plus 10 GB per license purchased1 TB per organization
Storage for Teams FilesUp to 25 TB per site or groupUp to 25 TB per site or groupUp to 25 TB per site or groupUp to 25 TB per site or groupUp to 25 TB per site or groupUp to 25 TB per site or group
File upload limit (per file)100 GB100 GB100 GB100 GB100 GB100 GB

Channels are backed by folders within the SharePoint Online site (previously called 'site collection') created for the team, so file tabs within Channels share the storage limits of the team they belong to.

Microsoft Teams Supported Browsers

For more information, see SharePoint Online limits.

Class teams

Microsoft Teams for Education provides templates designed for unique education scenarios, such as classroom teaching. More information about team types, including class teams, is available in Choose a team type to collaborate in Microsoft Teams.

A class team is a template type with additional apps included, and with limits separate to the number of team members.


Using class teams requires an Office 365 Education license.

Limits for class teams are listed in the following table:

FeatureMaximum limit
Number of members in a teamSee the Teams and channels section of this article
Number of members to use Assignments in a class team200
Number of members to use a OneNote Class Notebook in a class team200

A class team can support more than 200 members. However, if you plan to use either the Assignments app or Class Notebook app within your team, you will need to keep the number of members below the maximum limits above.


FeatureMaximum limit
Number of tags per team100
Number of suggested default tags per team25
Number of team members assign to a tag100
Number of tags assigned to a user per team25


Teams uses these contacts:

  • Contacts in your organization's Active Directory
  • Contacts added to the user's Outlook default folder

Teams users can communicate with anyone in your organization's Active Directory and can add anyone in your organization's Active Directory as a contact and to their contact lists by going to Chat > Contacts or Calls > Contacts.

Teams users can also add a person who isn't in your organization's Active Directory as a contact by going to Calls > Contacts.


Teams Firefox Free

Teams fully supports the following Internet browsers, with noted exceptions for calling and meetings. This table applies to operating systems running on desktop computers.

BrowserCalling - audio, video, and sharingMeetings - audio, video, and sharing123
Internet Explorer 11Not supportedMeetings are supported only if the meeting includes PSTN coordinates. To attend a meeting on IE11 without PSTN coordinates, users must download the Teams desktop client.
Video: Not supported
Sharing: Incoming sharing only (no outgoing)
Microsoft 365 apps and services will not support Internet Explorer 11 starting August 17, 2021 (Microsoft Teams will not support Internet Explorer 11 earlier, starting November 30, 2020). Learn more. Please note that Internet Explorer 11 will remain a supported browser. Internet Explorer 11 is a component of the Windows operating system and follows the Lifecycle Policy for the product on which it is installed.
Microsoft Edge, RS2 or laterFully supported, except no outgoing sharing4Fully supported, except no outgoing sharing
Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based), the latest version plus two previous versionsFully supportedFully supported
Google Chrome, the latest version plus two previous versionsFully supportedFully supported
Sharing is supported without any plug-ins or extensions on Chrome version 72 or later.
Safari 14+1:1 calls not supported. Group calls fully supported.
Video: Fully supported
Sharing: Fully supported
Meetings: Fully supported
Video: Fully supported
Sharing: Fully supported
Safari 13.1+1:1 calls not supported. Group calls supported with full audio support.
Video: Incoming only
Sharing: Fully supported
Meetings are supported with full audio support.
Video: Incoming only
Sharing: Fully supported
Firefox, the latest version plus two previous versionsNot supportedMeetings are supported only if the meeting includes PSTN coordinates. To attend a meeting on Firefox without PSTN coordinates, users must download the Teams desktop client.
Video: Not supported
Sharing: Incoming sharing only (no outgoing)
Safari versions before 13Not supportedMeetings are supported only if the meeting includes PSTN coordinates. To attend a meeting on Safari without PSTN coordinates, users must download the Teams desktop client.
Video: Not supported
Sharing: Incoming sharing only (no outgoing)
Safari is enabled on versions higher than 11.1 in preview. While in preview, there are known issues with Safari's Intelligent Tracking Prevention.

1 To give and take control of shared content during sharing, both parties must be using the Teams desktop client. Control isn't supported when either party is running Teams in a browser. This is due to a technical limitation that we're planning to fix.

2 Blur my background isn't available when you run Teams in a browser. This feature is only available in the Teams desktop client.

3 Teams meetings on browsers are limited to a single incoming video feed of active speaker.

4 Edge RS2 or later doesn't support sending real-time audio and video traffic through HTTP proxies.


As long as an operating system can run the supported browser, Teams is supported on desktop computers. For example, running Firefox on the Linux operating system is an option for using Teams.

For mobile operating systems, we recommend that you run the Teams app, available from the Android and iOS stores. Running Teams in a mobile operating system is supported, but many features are unavailable.

Teams Firefox Sign In

Operating systems

For information about operating system requirements, see Get clients for Microsoft Teams.