- MacOS
Jump to: Audio General Operations, Audio Editing Operations, Mixing Tracks, Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Spacebar | Start/stop playback |
Home | Set time indicator to beginning |
End | Set time indicator to end |
8 | Switch Waveform/Multitrack editor |
Ctrl+Left Arrow | Set time indicator to previous marker/clip |
Ctrl+Right Arrow | Set time indicator to next marker/clip |
Shift+X | Toggle Preference for return cti to start position |
= | Zoom in horizontally |
Alt+= | Zoom in vertically |
- | Zoom out horizontally |
Alt+- | Zoom out vertically |
Shift+R | Repeat previous command with clicking OK |
Ctrl+R | Repeat previous command with not clicking OK |
Shift+T | Open Convert sample type dialog box |
Shift+P | Capture noise reduction profile |
Up Arrow | Activate left channel for editing |
Down Arrow | Activate right channel for editing |
Ctrl+Alt+Up Arrow | Make display more logarithmic |
Ctrl+Alt+Down Arrow | Make display more linear |
Ctrl+Alt+PgUp | Make display full logarithmic |
Ctrl+Alt+PgDn | Make display full linear |
Shift+Ctrl+Up Arrow/Down Arrow | Increse/Decrese spectral resolution |
Ctrl+R | Repeat last command |
Razor Tool In Adobe Audition
Just use the razor tool to replace the questions in the interview recording with the questions you just recorded. Listen through the recording and for each question and answer follow these steps: Using the razor tool, cut the original question out of the interview audio. Using the razor tool, cut the new question out of the new questions audio. I know that pressing R on the keyboard will switch to the razor tool but I am wondering if there's a shortcut like Ctrl + R that will make a cut in your audio track where your marker is. The Best Adobe Audition online courses and tutorials for beginners to learn Adobe Audition in 2020 - Sound. The main tools we will be using are the selection tool and the razor tool. Make sure the razor tool is set to ‘razor selected clips’ (and NOT Razor all clips). Now what we are going to do is start cutting each clip into little blocks of dialogue and shuffling them along the timeline to create the best timings for a.
Ctrl+Shift+Select | Select the same input/output for all audio track |
Ctrl+Shift+Click | Activate or deactivate mute/solo/record tracks |
Shift+Drag | Adjust Knob in large increment |
Ctrl+Drag | Adjust knob in small increment |
Shift+Drag | Maintain time position |
Ctrl+Drag | Reposition envelop segment without Keyframe |
Alt+, | Nudge Selected clip to left |
Alt+Period | Nudge Selected clip to right |
M/* | Add marker |
Ctrl+Alt+Right Arrow | Move to next marker |
Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow | Move to previous marker |
Ctrl+G | Clip gain |
Ctrl+K | Split |
Ctrl+0 | Delete Selected marker |
Ctrl+Alt+0 | Delete All Marker |
/ | Rename selected marker |
Ctrl+A | Select all |
Ctrl+Shift+A | Deselect All |
B | Spot Healing Brush |
Shift+Bkspace | Ripple delete selected clip |
Alt+Bkspace | Time selection in selected clip |
Ctrl+Alt+Bkspace | Time selection in all track |
Ctrl+C | Copy |
Alt+Shift+C | Copy to new |
D | Lasso selection tool |
Del | Delete |
E | Mark selection tool |
Ctrl+E | Edit original |
Esc | Clear time selection |
Shift+H | Zero crossing adjust left side to left |
Shift+I | Zero crossing adjust selection inward |
Shift+J | Zero crossing adjust left side to right |
Ctrl+C/Ctrl+X/Ctrl+V | Copy/Cut/Paste |
Ctrl+Shift+V | Mix Paste |
Ctrl+Z | Undo |
Ctrl+Shift+Z | Redo |
F | Select frequency selection tool |
R | Select rectangular marquee tool |
S | Snapping enabled |
Ctrl+T | Crop |
R | Razor tool |
V | Move tool |
Y | Slip tool |
P | Paintbrush selection tool |
Created by rank17 on 2/24/2017
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Audition CS6 – Editing and Trimming Audio Clips
While working with my audio files, I found one of the first procedures I had to master was trimming audio clips. I wanted to adjust where two clips touched, in order to work towards my final audio product. This seems to be a frequently used procedure that is crucial to creating a fully edited audio piece. I hope you find these steps useful and easy to follow while editing your own audio project!
The tools you will need are in the Toolbar located at the top of the Audition window. The first tool is the “Razor Selected Clips Tool”, which gives you the option to cut a single clip, selected clips, or all of your audio clips. In order to do this, first you must click the razor blade and position it where you want to cut the audio clips. In order to delete a portion of your audio clip, simply select it and press the “Delete” key.
Another crucial tool is the “Time Selection Tool”, which allows you to select regions of a clip to delete. In order to do this, you just click and drag across the portion of audio clip you want to delete. The selected region will change to a white color. After that you have three different options to delete the audio clip. One, pressing “Delete” will delete the time selection and leave a gap in the deletion separation. Two, pressing “Option” + “Delete” will delete the time selection and the gap. Then the final option is pressing “Shift” + “Command” + “Delete” which will delete the time selection and the gap, as well as pull up all audio clips below the deletion point.
After arranging your audio clips and deleting the portions of unwanted audio, the next step involves trimming the ends of your clip. This step is necessary because the end of a clip is not selectable and, therefore, can not be edited in the previous steps described above. In order to trim the end of a clip, click the lower edge of the clip and drag. If you want to trim multiple clips at the same time, simply group the clips first by typing “Command” + “G”, as shown in the image below.
The final step in the trimming process is to add fades. In the upper corner at the end of each clip is a gray square-shaped box. Dragging the box sideways will allow you to establish a fade, as shown in the first image directly below. Dragging the box up or down will allow you to add a curve to the fade, as shown in the second image below. Finally, your trimming process is complete!
I hope this process gets you started on your way to mastering Audition CS6 and to creating finely edited audio files.
Good luck!
Razor Back Tools
~ Amber McAteer